If you’re like many of us, you were planning to buy tickets this year to see your favorite singers, bands, dance shows, musical theater, comedy nights, opera productions, films, museum exhibits, holiday events, and more. But by March, COVID had closed the doors to artists and audience alike and, as cases continue to rise, they remain closed.

Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center has been fortunate. Thanks to the support of generous donors and federal loans, the Bankhead Theater and Bothwell Arts Center are able to continue – in a smaller way with a greatly reduced staff, but secure enough to plan for a better future. However, each year approximately half our operating revenue comes from ticket sales. Due to COVID, we fell nearly $2 million short in ticket income for 2020.


A legacy gift we received earlier this year from Jene and Isabelle Dupzyk was transformational. While they could not possibly have known how timely their legacy gift would be, they were longstanding arts supporters through small annual donations and, most importantly, the purchase of theater tickets all year long.

YOU can make a significant difference in helping the Arts thrive in downtown Livermore, long after this difficult COVID year is over. Join our TICKETS TO THRIVE campaign! The average household spends $160 a year on tickets, some spend less, some spend more. Add up the amount you would have spent this year on tickets to performances, shows, and events, and invest that amount in the future of the Arts today. Your gift to Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center now will help us get ready to thrive when we’re once again able to throw open our doors and share our passion for the Arts.


There are many ways to make your giving go further. Your company may have a matching gift program that can increase the value of your donation. You may be able to donate directly from your IRA tax-free.  And thanks to the CARES Act, this year your donation may be eligible for a tax deduction, even if you don’t itemize.

With TICKETS TO THRIVE, your giving gives back too. Any donation of $250 or more to the campaign during December 2020 qualifies for a $100 ticket certificate towards Bankhead Presents shows. Use it to buy tickets for yourself or others through December 31, 2022 and recapture your love for the performing arts.

This has been a difficult year and one of the many things we have lost is the rich joy being in the theater together, experiencing the arts in person. Please consider turning the value of what was missed this year into an investment that helps the Arts thrive in the future – make a donation to the TICKETS TO THRIVE campaign today!

Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit cultural arts organization. Tax ID number #68-0419182. Please contact the Development department by email [email protected] or call 925-583-2305 for questions.

“…the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true…”
photo: Doug Jorgensen